United States / Arkansas / AR Congressional District 2

AR Congressional District 2

French Hill statements on crypto

profile picture of French Hill

French Hill


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RT @FinancialCmte: The @SECGov's final approval of spot #ETH ETFs is another step towards making digital assets more accessible to American…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of French Hill

French Hill


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RT @BanklessHQ: PREMIERE -- Making America Pro-Crypto 🇺🇸🪙 w/ Congressman @RepFrenchHill What would pro-crypto America look like & what la…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of French Hill

French Hill


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.@SecYellen admitted that she’s not quarterbacking between the @SECGov and @CFTC on crypto regulation, yet it’s her job to lead the team as head of FSOC. #FIT21 passed the House with strong bipartisan support - it’s time to get it across the finish line. pic.twitter.com/wuJo4uovpJ
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Very pro-crypto
Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.