United States / Minnesota

Key Races in Minnesota

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U.S. Senate Race (MN)

What politicians in MN are saying

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profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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Weeding out bad actors on chain requires a clear understanding of their goals. Proud to support @ZachNunn’s Financial Technology Protection Act to create a working group to help drill down on potentially illicit uses of digital assets and find strategies to prevent it.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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Artificial intelligence and digital assets are leading us toward a powerful global digital economy. As AI continues to be integrated into our lives, blockchain technology will play an important role in ensuring that AI data is authentic, immutable, traceable, and transparent. pic.twitter.com/XRJBBJSaAe
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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Great to see the @SECgov adjust course and allow ETH Spot ETFs to begin trading today. On second thought, we should actually be thanking the courts. Gary Gensler has got to go.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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If I had to create a tagline for the Biden administration’s digital assets agenda, it would be: The administrative state OVER the American people.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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The Biden Administration has proven that they are eager to trade Americans' financial privacy for a big government, communist-style CBDC. The House has taken action to prevent this. It is time for the Senate to do the same. thehill.com/opinion/472465…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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Unelected bureaucrats in Washington D.C. should NOT be able to tell you what you can and can’t do with your money. The time for crypto-friendly, stablecoin-friendly, digital asset-friendly legislation is here. semafor.com/article/06/05/…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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The idea of a central bank digital currency is more than alarming, it is downright un-American. I thank my colleagues who helped pass our CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act this week. Digital currency policy must remain in the hands of the American people. foxbusiness.com/politics/house…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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Secretary Yellen is being dishonest when she says the Biden administration hasn't taken a position on central bank digital currencies. This administration has made CLEAR they're willing to trade American’s right to financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC. pic.twitter.com/ANChvqG5nY
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Michelle Fischbach

Michelle Fischbach


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Giving unelected bureaucrats the power to take away financial privacy is something straight out of China’s playbook. Fellow Minnesotan @GOPMajorityWhip's CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act is making sure Congress stops another attack on American freedoms.
Somewhat pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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"...creation of a CBDC represents a massive expansion of government control over the economy, and it would trample on individuals’ rights...It is for these reasons we urge you to support…H.R. 5403, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act." - @AFPhq
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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RT @RepStefanik: House Republicans are defending Americans’ financial privacy with H.R. 5403, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act. I’m pr…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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"ALEC Action urges strong support for H.R. 5403, which would protect American citizens from the significant privacy and surveillance concerns inherent to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)." - @ALEC_Action
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Tom Emmer Jr.

Tom Emmer Jr.


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"ABA believes strongly that a CBDC...is unnecessary in the United States and would present unacceptable risks and costs to the financial system...the ABA welcomes and strongly supports H.R. 5403, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act..." - @ABABankers
Very pro-crypto

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