United States / North Carolina

Key Races in North Carolina

28,086 crypto advocates

What politicians in NC are saying

Keep up with recent tweets about crypto from politicians in North Carolina.

profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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Tune in to @CNN tonight as I join @thelauracoates from Nashville (here for #Bitcoin2024) to talk about @KamalaHarris’ choice for Vice President! Spoiler alert: As a North Carolinian I may be a little biased. pic.twitter.com/8cKGw2Dne8
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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@EleanorTerrett @TheBitcoinConf @VivekGRamaswamy Vivek Ramaswamy is a total buffoon. But even a broken clock is right two times a day. 20% of registered voters own crypto and I think we’ll have over a million single-issue #crypto voters as we head to the polls in November. #Bitcoin2024
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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I’m heading to Nashville on Saturday for @TheBitcoinConf, the world’s largest #Bitcoin conference. I’ll be speaking from the same stage where Trump will be speaking/pandering later in the day and making the case to keep #Web3 and blockchain innovation a bipartisan issue.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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@EleanorTerrett Great to meet you too! In DC we call you “the other Eleanor” since @Eleanor_Mueller also covers #crypto. Hoping you both can connect some time!
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Patrick McHenry

Patrick McHenry


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The President’s veto weakens protections for consumers in digital asset markets and upends decades of custody rules. By rejecting the bipartisan consensus of Congress, the Administration is doubling down on its failed approach. Senate action on #FIT21 is more urgent than ever. x.com/FinancialCmte/…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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.@mcuban: Yesterday we sent a strong message that this is a bipartisan issue with the first ever vote #crypto regulation. With 71 Democrats (including Speaker Pelosi) voting for passage of #FIT21 we sent a clear message to the White House and Senate about the future of #Web3. x.com/mcuban/status/…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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This was a big win for our efforts to depoliticize the issue. Whether you love #crypto or hate crypto you should support regulation that will protect consumers and keep innovation in the US. The bipartisan vote score sends a strong message to the Senate. morningstar.com/news/marketwat…
Very pro-crypto

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Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.