United States / North Carolina / NC Congressional District 13

NC Congressional District 13

Wiley Nickel statements on crypto

profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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I’m heading to Nashville on Saturday for @TheBitcoinConf, the world’s largest #Bitcoin conference. I’ll be speaking from the same stage where Trump will be speaking/pandering later in the day and making the case to keep #Web3 and blockchain innovation a bipartisan issue.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Wiley Nickel

Wiley Nickel


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@EleanorTerrett Great to meet you too! In DC we call you “the other Eleanor” since @Eleanor_Mueller also covers #crypto. Hoping you both can connect some time!
Very pro-crypto

Brad Knott has no statements on crypto.

Kelly Daughtry has no statements on crypto.

Frank Pierce has no statements on crypto.

Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.