United States / New Hampshire / NH Congressional District 2

NH Congressional District 2

Annie Kuster statements on crypto

Lily Williams statements on crypto

profile picture of Lily Williams

Lily Williams


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@PeterSweden7 Cash is the King. Reject cashless mandates & #CBDC. Have some gold, silver and #Crypto. Convenience doesn’t guarantee our freedom. Always choose human freedom.
Very pro-crypto

Vikram Mansharamani statements on crypto

profile picture of Vikram Mansharamani

Vikram Mansharamani


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RT @jessefelder: 'Data centres' voracious power needs are set to rocket, as cloud storage facilities, crypto mining and AI all add strain t…
Pending Analysis

Colin Van Ostern statements on crypto

Quoted from www.standwithcrypto.org on May 2nd, 2024

Colin Van Ostern completed the Stand With Crypto Questionnaire and demonstrated support for crypto and digital assets. He emphasized the importance of crypto in driving technological innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Colin Van Ostern supports comprehensive regulatory frameworks that offer clarity and promote responsible innovation.

Somewhat pro-crypto
Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.