United States / New Jersey / NJ Congressional District 5

NJ Congressional District 5

Josh Gottheimer statements on crypto

profile picture of Josh Gottheimer

Josh Gottheimer


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Watch below 📺⬇️ Crypto is driving ahead, and we need rules to guide industry and protect consumers. This bill offers protections that are FIT for the 21st Century. I was proud to speak in support of FIT21, which passed yesterday. It encourages responsible financial innovation. https://t.co/vx0LCjsOJL
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Very pro-crypto

Beau Forte has no statements on crypto.

James Tosone has no statements on crypto.

Mary Jo Guinchard has no statements on crypto.

Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.