profile picture of Elissa Slotkin

Elissa Slotkin

Democratic Senator from Michigan

Notable statements

profile picture of Elissa Slotkin

Elissa Slotkin

@SenatorSlotkin logo
As my @HouseAgDems colleagues & I consider legislation to regulate crypto, we need to know whether Members own any of what they’re regulating. That’s why I’ve reintroduced my Cryptocurrency Accountability Act, which requires disclosure of crypto assets.…
Somewhat pro-crypto
profile picture of Elissa Slotkin

Elissa Slotkin

@SenatorSlotkin logo
When new technologies like cryptocurrencies emerge without regulation, it’s often ordinary Americans who are hurt the most. Blockchain technology has great potential, but the public is asking Congress for oversight. I talked about this issue yesterday as a member of @HouseAgDems:
tweet image
Somewhat pro-crypto
Somewhat pro-crypto
profile picture of Elissa Slotkin

Elissa Slotkin

@SenatorSlotkin logo
RT @HomelandDems: STARTING NOW: Intelligence & Counterterrorism Chair @RepSlotkin is holding a hearing to examine the crypto industry's pe…
Very anti-crypto
profile picture of Elissa Slotkin

Elissa Slotkin

@SenatorSlotkin logo
Americans see too many headlines about corrupt dealing by elected officials. As the use of cryptocurrency grows, Members of Congress are already investing – that’s why I’m leading a bipartisan bill to require disclosure of all crypto holdings & trades.…
Somewhat pro-crypto
profile picture of Elissa Slotkin

Elissa Slotkin

@SenatorSlotkin logo
Americans deserve to know their elected leaders have the public’s best interests at heart and aren’t trying to make a quick buck off their position. My Cryptocurrency Accountability Act will improve transparency & help stop the corruption that erodes confidence in our government.
Neutral on crypto
profile picture of Elissa Slotkin

Elissa Slotkin

@SenatorSlotkin logo
We need to sever all major Russian financial institutions from SWIFT & double-down to make sure Moscow can’t weasel around sanctions through cryptocurrencies or gold. 8/12
Neutral on crypto