profile picture of Steve Womack

Steve Womack

Republican Congressperson from Arkansas, 3

Notable statements

profile picture of Steve Womack

Steve Womack

@rep_stevewomack logo
A surveillance-style CBDC is a #CCP tool waiting to be weaponized against Americans and American businesses. @GOPMajorityWhip's HR 5403 would prohibit unelected bureaucrats at the Fed from issuing CBDCs, protecting our free-market economy and ensuring Americans’ hard-earned money can’t be used against them. I'm a proud cosponsor of the legislation and am pleased it passed the House today.
Somewhat pro-crypto
profile picture of Steve Womack

Steve Womack

@rep_stevewomack logo
CBDCs are a CCP-style surveillance tool that can be weaponized to oppress the American way of life. I'm a proud cosponsor of @GOPMajorityWhip's bill to protect Americans' financial privacy, which the House will vote on this week.…
Somewhat pro-crypto